Friday, May 7, 2010


These past few weeks, have been a little bit tough. I am still trying to learn how to make everything all work with the house and all the responsibilities that go along with it. I have a deeper respect for my mother! I think back on all those years when my father was out of town, and at the end of the day she was completely exhausted from trying to make sure everything was taken care of, mostly with no help from my sister or me. She had to do it alone. If she didn’t do the laundry, it didn’t get done. If she didn’t dust, mop, sweep the floors, vacuum, clean the bathroom, make breakfast, lunch and dinner, get her two children ready, teach them how to be functioning members of a household and society, then there was no one else to pick up the slack. I understand why at times there was a strain in her voice, and a concerned frown upon her face. I understand why just “one more trip” to the store was just as reachable as sprinting to Disneyland. I empathize with my mom. I feel similar to how she felt those times. No, I do not have children or a husband to tend to, but I am still responsible for the laundry, meals, mopping, sweeping, bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting, dishes, shopping, yard care, bills, walking the dogs, feeding the dogs and the cats, exercising all of them, disciplining the unruly animals, cleaning up their messes and making sure they don’t make more of a mess. Adding to this, there is primary, sharing time, ward missionary work, my job, the gym, and martial arts. The maid that picks up the slack for me, changed her mind and resigned! By the time I lay my head down to sleep, I feel as though I should be able find dreamland instantly. Instead, I think of all the things I still have yet to accomplish. I worry that I am not being a good enough “pack leader” for the animals I love and adore so much. Eventually I do fall asleep, even if it is just before the alarm goes off. I know it will get better, I know that it will not always feel this overwhelming, and I do enjoy my cute little house…even if the disposal, toilet and faucets need to be replaced.

I haven’t mowed the backyard since I moved in, and the grass is so tall, I lose Daisy in it. Tramp has to jump like a jackrabbit just to get through it, and daisy is like a snake, staying low to the ground whipping her way around. The front lawn was mowed by my dear sweet John, and since then, has grown again with all the rain we have received- maybe he will be gracious enough to surprise me again and mow both!

I don’t mean to sound all whiney or anything- I truly am blessed! I know that I am being watched out for, and that if I were to ever need it, my family and friends would be there to help- all I would have to do is call…I am just trying to learn to be self-sufficient. I will get there, and tomorrow will be a better day. After all, it is SATURDAY!!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I can so relate. It is exhausting to run a household!!! You can do it though! It is always harder at first and it will get easier with time. :) Can't say that I have EVER mowed the lawn, though...that is Seth's job 100%.