Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fat Farm Here I come!

I've been going to the gym and martial arts for the past, oh I don't know Month. I work really, REALLY hard while I"m at the gym...or atleast I thought I did...but when I stepped on the scale, and had my buddy take my measurements...there was absolutely NO FREAKING CHANGE!!! He says: "So what are we missing here?" I say : "You tell me?!?!?!?!!!" He says: "Ok, you'll have to do cardio more" I say : "when????" He says: "It's your responsibility to make the time" Hmmm. My responsibility. Ok, I give. I understand that it is my responsibility, and really he has nothing to do with the whole thing, besides the fact that he was willing to give me a few pointers here and there, but COME ON! Maybe when I am finished throwing this lovely pity party that I have put myself in, I'll be able to sit down and work this out more clearly. All I know right now, is I feel like I'm headed to the fat farm!

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